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Discover the varieties of chorizo sausage at César Nieto Group

chorizo embutido

Chorizo is a traditional cured sausage from Spanish cuisine. It is primarily made from minced pork seasoned with spices such as paprika, garlic, and other aromatic herbs that give it its characteristic smoky and spicy flavour. At César Nieto Group, our chorizos stand out for being 100% Iberian. Would you like to discover them and treat yourself? Join us!

César Nieto’s Iberian Chorizo Sausage

Made from Iberian pigs, the chorizo sausages from César Nieto are unique and renowned for their excellent flavour. As with all parts of the pig, we treat the meat with the respect it deserves to create true gastronomic delights. It is a symbol of Spanish tradition, which is why we offer various types to savour in different ways.

Iberian Acorn-fed Chorizo

The Iberian acorn-fed chorizo is made from Iberian pigs fed exclusively on acorns and natural herbs during the montanera season, when they feed on the fruits and grasses of the dehesas.

This unique diet gives the chorizo a deep flavour and a rich, buttery texture, with characteristic marbling from infiltrated fat that makes it particularly juicy.

Red Vela Chorizo

Known for its long shape and slow maturation, the red vela chorizo exemplifies the meticulous craftsmanship behind Iberian cured sausages. Its prolonged curing process allows the flavours to concentrate and fully develop, offering a balanced taste profile that delights even the most discerning palates.

Sliced Chorizo

Perfect for immediate enjoyment, the sliced Iberian chorizo from César Nieto is presented in thin slices, ready to serve. It retains all the flavour and quality of the sausage, offering a practical and delicious option to enjoy on charcuterie boards or as a standout ingredient in various culinary recipes.

100% Natural Chorizo

An essential aspect of the 100% natural Iberian chorizo is its commitment to naturalness and authenticity at every stage of production. The use of natural ingredients such as paprika, garlic, and salt, along with the highest quality Iberian pork, guarantees a final product that respects traditional production techniques.

Chorizo Sausage Production

Chorizo comes in various varieties, each with its own distinct flavour and texture. Originating from the Iberian Peninsula, chorizo can be sweet or spicy, depending on the amount of hot paprika used in its preparation.

Additionally, the mixture is stuffed into natural casings and left to mature for a period that can vary depending on the type of chorizo being produced. The production process is traditional, requiring time to develop a flavour and aroma that delight the palate.

Selection of the Meat

Pork meat is used, generally from the shoulder or jowl of the animal. In the case of Iberian chorizo, meat from Iberian pigs fed on acorns during the montanera season is used, which significantly influences the final flavour of the sausage.

Chopping and Seasoning

The meat is chopped into small pieces and seasoned with spices and condiments. The most common ingredients include paprika (sweet or spicy), crushed garlic, salt, and other spices. Paprika not only adds flavour but also contributes to the characteristic red colour of the chorizo.


The mixture of meat and spices is stuffed into natural or synthetic casings, depending on local tradition and preference. The choice of casing affects the texture and flavour of the final sausage.


Once stuffed, the chorizo is tied at regular intervals to form the typical individual units of chorizo, whether in horseshoe, vela, or coiled shapes.


The chorizo is hung in controlled temperature and humidity conditions for a period that can range from several weeks to several months, depending on the type of chorizo and the desired result. During this curing process, the characteristic flavours of the sausage develop.


After curing, some types of chorizo may undergo an additional maturation process in specific cellars or chambers, where they continue to develop their flavour and aroma.


Once the curing and maturation process is complete, the chorizo sausage is ready to be consumed. It can be enjoyed both fresh and in its cured form, and is widely used in cooking as a main ingredient or complement in a variety of dishes and tapas.

At César Nieto Group, we are committed to natural Iberian chorizo, with a long curing and maturation process to ensure the product retains the best flavour and aroma. Would you like to try it? Visit our online store and enjoy this delicacy of Spanish gastronomy. You won’t regret it!

Discover the varieties of chorizo sausage at César Nieto Group

Chorizo is a traditional cured sausage from Spanish cuisine. It is primarily made from minced pork seasoned with spices such as paprika, garlic, and other aromatic herbs that give it its characteristic smoky and spicy flavour. At César Nieto Group, our chorizos stand out for being 100% Iberian. Would you like to discover them and treat yourself? Join us!

César Nieto’s Iberian Chorizo Sausage

Made from Iberian pigs, the chorizo sausages from César Nieto are unique and renowned for their excellent flavour. As with all parts of the pig, we treat the meat with the respect it deserves to create true gastronomic delights. It is a symbol of Spanish tradition, which is why we offer various types to savour in different ways.

Iberian Acorn-fed Chorizo

The Iberian acorn-fed chorizo is made from Iberian pigs fed exclusively on acorns and natural herbs during the montanera season, when they feed on the fruits and grasses of the dehesas.

This unique diet gives the chorizo a deep flavour and a rich, buttery texture, with characteristic marbling from infiltrated fat that makes it particularly juicy.

Red Vela Chorizo

Known for its long shape and slow maturation, the red vela chorizo exemplifies the meticulous craftsmanship behind Iberian cured sausages. Its prolonged curing process allows the flavours to concentrate and fully develop, offering a balanced taste profile that delights even the most discerning palates.

Sliced Chorizo

Perfect for immediate enjoyment, the sliced Iberian chorizo from César Nieto is presented in thin slices, ready to serve. It retains all the flavour and quality of the sausage, offering a practical and delicious option to enjoy on charcuterie boards or as a standout ingredient in various culinary recipes.

100% Natural Chorizo

An essential aspect of the 100% natural Iberian chorizo is its commitment to naturalness and authenticity at every stage of production. The use of natural ingredients such as paprika, garlic, and salt, along with the highest quality Iberian pork, guarantees a final product that respects traditional production techniques.

Chorizo Sausage Production

Chorizo comes in various varieties, each with its own distinct flavour and texture. Originating from the Iberian Peninsula, chorizo can be sweet or spicy, depending on the amount of hot paprika used in its preparation.

Additionally, the mixture is stuffed into natural casings and left to mature for a period that can vary depending on the type of chorizo being produced. The production process is traditional, requiring time to develop a flavour and aroma that delight the palate.

Selection of the Meat

Pork meat is used, generally from the shoulder or jowl of the animal. In the case of Iberian chorizo, meat from Iberian pigs fed on acorns during the montanera season is used, which significantly influences the final flavour of the sausage.

Chopping and Seasoning

The meat is chopped into small pieces and seasoned with spices and condiments. The most common ingredients include paprika (sweet or spicy), crushed garlic, salt, and other spices. Paprika not only adds flavour but also contributes to the characteristic red colour of the chorizo.


The mixture of meat and spices is stuffed into natural or synthetic casings, depending on local tradition and preference. The choice of casing affects the texture and flavour of the final sausage.


Once stuffed, the chorizo is tied at regular intervals to form the typical individual units of chorizo, whether in horseshoe, vela, or coiled shapes.


The chorizo is hung in controlled temperature and humidity conditions for a period that can range from several weeks to several months, depending on the type of chorizo and the desired result. During this curing process, the characteristic flavours of the sausage develop.


After curing, some types of chorizo may undergo an additional maturation process in specific cellars or chambers, where they continue to develop their flavour and aroma.


Once the curing and maturation process is complete, the chorizo sausage is ready to be consumed. It can be enjoyed both fresh and in its cured form, and is widely used in cooking as a main ingredient or complement in a variety of dishes and tapas.

At César Nieto Group, we are committed to natural Iberian chorizo, with a long curing and maturation process to ensure the product retains the best flavour and aroma. Would you like to try it? Visit our online store and enjoy this delicacy of Spanish gastronomy. You won’t regret it!