We have to go back to the 1940s to see the influence of women in the evolution of the César Nieto Group. In a complicated era where the position of women was linked to the home and a purely patriarchal society, Antonia Martín shines. The grandmother of the current owner of the company began her professional career working in a colonial store in 1940. It did not take long for his strength and entrepreneurial character to come to the fore, running the first store in the family business. A store where fresh sausages and cured meats of the time were sold: chorizo, sausage, black pudding, stuffed tongue, etc. Her hard character, tenacity and perseverance were the seed for a business that today continues to take on the values of Mrs. Antonia.
But the saga does not end here. Mrs. Teresa Martín, daughter of Mrs. Antonia and mother of César and Jorge (current owner), continues with the family strength and manages to make a place for herself in a world that was a man’s world, combining her family with her professional work. A hairdresser in her beginnings, she was trained in the family business to become the head of the workshop where César Nieto’s Iberian pork loins and sausages were already being manufactured.
Ms. Teresa has been active until a few years ago, participating actively in all areas of the company and being responsible for bringing the family product to Spain and the world. This last point is noteworthy because Ms. Teresa is responsible for the group’s large international market.
Two hard-working women entrepreneurs who gave their all for their business, who fought and made the family business where it is today.
The future is now promising. The new generations are on the rise and the role of the family and women will become more and more crucial every day.